主人公雷米原型取自世界经典名著《苦儿流浪记》。10岁的雷米被养父卖给街头艺人维塔利斯,雷米和维塔利斯、小狗、猴子开启了环游法国演艺之旅。维塔利斯教他识字、挖掘他唱歌的天赋。雷米体味旅行艺人的坎坷人生,学会生活、交朋友,维塔利斯像父亲和恩师一....展开全部主人公雷米原型取自世界经典名著《苦儿流浪记》。10岁的雷米被养父卖给街头艺人维塔利斯,雷米和维塔利斯、小狗、猴子开启了环游法国演艺之旅。维塔利斯教他识字、挖掘他唱歌的天赋。雷米体味旅行艺人的坎坷人生,学会生活、交朋友,维塔利斯像父亲和恩师一样滋养他。一首从小就在雷米心中流淌的神秘摇篮曲,牵引着雷米慢慢发现自己真实的身份,雷米的人生开始面临巨大的挑战和改变……The prototype of the main character Remy is taken from the world classic "The Stray Children". 10-year-old Remy was sold to street performer Vitalis by adoptive father. Remy and Vitalis, puppies, and monkeys began a tour of performing arts around France. Vitalis taught him literacy and tapped his talent for singing. Remy appreciates the bumpy life of a travel artist, learns to live and make friends, and Vitalis nourishes him like a father and a teacher. A mysterious lullaby that has flowed into Remy's heart since he was a child, leads Remy to slowly discover his true identity, Remy's life begins to face huge challenges and changes ...收起全部