漫威史上最贱的雇佣兵死侍再度归来!本与女友过着幸福生活的死侍(瑞安·雷诺兹 饰)上门寻仇,美好生活岌岌可危。然而悲惨的日子还没结束,死侍还和想要接纳他的X战警剪不断,理还乱。就在这位平日里插科打诨的英雄人生跌入谷底之时,一位强大的时空穿越者....展开全部漫威史上最贱的雇佣兵死侍再度归来!本与女友过着幸福生活的死侍(瑞安·雷诺兹 饰)上门寻仇,美好生活岌岌可危。然而悲惨的日子还没结束,死侍还和想要接纳他的X战警剪不断,理还乱。就在这位平日里插科打诨的英雄人生跌入谷底之时,一位强大的时空穿越者——电索(乔什·布洛林 饰)却盯上了死侍想要保护的少年。为迎强敌,死侍广发英雄帖,临时组建了X特攻队。就凭他们真的能打过这位来自未来的敌人么?The cheapest mercenary in Manways history is back again! Ben and his girlfriend live a happy life of death (Ryan Reynolds decoration) door-to-door revenge, a good life is in jeopardy. However, the tragic days are not over yet, and the death attendant and X-Men who want to accept him continue to clip and deal with chaos. Just as the heros life, which he often talks about, falls to the bottom of the valley, a powerful time-and-space traveler, the cable (Josh Brolin), looks at the teenager the death attendant wants to protect. In order to meet the strong enemy, the X Special Attack Team was formed temporarily. Can they really fight this enemy from the future?收起全部